Aggressive Criminal Defense And A Commitment To You
When you have been charged with a crime, your future is on the line. Make sure you work with an attorney who will treat your case with the urgency it demands.
Responsive And Results-Driven Criminal Defense For The Owensboro Area
Practice Areas
Criminal Defense
DUI & Drunk Driving
Drug Crimes
Traffic Violations
Aggressive Advocacy For People Facing Criminal Charges
Time is of the essence in criminal cases. Law enforcement and prosecutors will begin building a case against you almost immediately after you are arrested, so you cannot hesitate to protect your rights. Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor or a felony charge in Kentucky, founding attorney Kevin P. Laumas offers the proactive and fast-paced representation you need. He is tireless when he’s building a strong defense to achieve a favorable result.
Contact him at the law office of Kevin P. Laumas PSC to arrange a free initial consultation and get the defense you deserve.
Skilled Representation, Personal Service And Tireless Advocacy
Kevin spends time with his clients to understand the specific and unique issues surrounding criminal accusations against them for drunk driving, domestic violence, drug crimes and assault. After reviewing arrest reports and evidence, he provides a candid assessment of each case. He does not sugarcoat his legal counsel, nor does he provide false hope. Simply stated, if he can’t help you, he will refer you to another attorney.
Kevin has over 30 years of experience and has earned a reputation for being ethical when dealing with his clients and managing their cases. He is known for aggressively protecting the rights of his clients. Kevin built his legal practice largely on word of mouth from Kentucky residents who referred their friends and family to his firm. His unwavering dedication, combined with his competitiveness, has resulted in much success on behalf of his clients.

Meet Kevin

Kevin P. Laumas

It Is Important To Speak To An Attorney As Soon As Possible
Remember: Every word you say to law enforcement could serve to further incriminate you. The only thing you should tell law enforcement is that you want to talk to a lawyer first. It is your right, and it is the best way to protect yourself.
Since establishing his law firm, Kevin has remained committed to offering hands-on criminal defense to clients throughout the Owensboro area. When he is not appearing in court on behalf of a client, he aims to be the one answering the phone when clients call to talk about their criminal problems.
Do not put your future at risk by hesitating to get legal counsel. Take action today and contact Kevin P. Laumas PSC online or call 270-228-4591.
Get Answers From A Criminal Defense Attorney With Over 30 Years Of Experience